R&D Tax Credits in Connecticut
Can I Claim R&D Tax Credits in Connecticut?
Yes, you can claim R&D tax credits in Connecticut. The state offers two research and development tax credit programs known as the RC – Research and Experimental Expenditures Tax Credit (incremental) and the RDC – Research and Development Tax Credit (non-incremental).
The Connecticut Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit provides a boost to C-corporations in the state, fueling innovation and progress in various sectors. This credit is applicable to R&D expenditures incurred by businesses within Connecticut for product development or enhancement, as well as qualifying research payments made to nonprofits. Companies that increase their R&D spending in the state can enjoy a 20% credit on the incremental rise, aiming to stimulate greater investments in R&D activities within Connecticut. Moreover, businesses can receive a 6% credit on non-incremental R&D expenses, deducting qualified research expenses (QREs) from the incremental credit. These combined tax incentives serve as a compelling driver for businesses to channel their R&D investments into Connecticut.
What are the Potential Benefits of the Connecticut R&D Tax Credit?
The Connecticut R&D tax credits claimed by a qualifying company can potentially contribute to significant cost savings. These benefits include:
- Increasing Cash Flow
- Credits for Long-Term Investment in Innovation
- Can be Carried Forward to 15 Years
Who Can Claim the Connecticut R&D Tax Credit?
Connecticut businesses can claim tax credits for research and development (R&D) expenses. Eligible expenses include experimental research and product development costs. To qualify, businesses must have incurred federal R&D expenses and paid for R&D activities within the state. Notably, expenses funded by grants or contracts, are not eligible, unless part of a combined tax return.
The activities that qualify for the Connecticut R&D tax credit are the same ones driving growth in your business.
- New Product Development
- Improved Existing Products
- Development of Software
- Experimental Research
The activities that qualify for the Connecticut R&D tax credit are the same ones driving growth in your business.
How Do I Claim the Connecticut R&D Tax Credit?
Businesses can claim one-third of their tentative tax credit amount, net of wage base reduction, when filing their corporate income tax return.
The Connecticut R&D Tax Credit necessitates a detailed comprehension of the company's research projects conducted in the taxable year, including project nature and research locations. If a business qualifies for the R&D credit but lacks tax liability to claim it, the credit can be converted into a cash refund, amounting to 65% of the credit value.