
R&D Tax Credits for Pharma / Nutraceutical / Bioceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and bioceutical industry is ripe with opportunities to qualify for the R&D tax credit. The more evident areas of R&D include activities carried out by chemists, process engineers, and quality engineers.

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Pharma / Nutraceutical / Bioceutical
For over 25 years, this company has supported healthy lifestyles and pet care through their research and development of high-quality, innovative products. As an industry leader in production standards and quality control, the company supports extensive laboratory research and clinical studies on its products, which have been published and presented in medical and veterinary journals.
Combined Federal and State R&D Tax Credits


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R&D Tax Credit Qualification for Pharma / Nutraceutical / Bioceutical Industry

The company’s design and development cycle began when the need for new or improved products was identified by customers and internal personnel or when new scientific industry data was discovered during a literature search. Several groups of individuals were involved in this part of the process, including the Research and Development Laboratory, the New Product Development department, the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, the Project Managers, and the Executive Team. In the next phase of product development, the correct testing protocol is defined and assays are developed. Products often fail testing and then require a reformulation of the product’s ingredients. This testing process was a continual cycle between formulation and evaluation until the test requirements were met through product improvements. The testing phase also involved packaging design. For example, if the strength of the product decreased after only a month, this determined the amount included in one package. All of these activities represented qualified research.

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R&D Tax Credits with

With our consultative approach to the research and development tax credit, we invest time understanding each client’s history, current business direction, and future growth objectives. Each year we re-evaluate a company’s ability to accept the tax credit and provide on-going recommendations to improve the R&D tax credits process.

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