
R&D Tax Credits for Chemical Companies

The chemical industry, encompassing everything from consumer goods to industrial materials, is a prime candidate for claiming R&D tax credits. This includes activities like:

  • Developing new products and formulations
  • Designing and building large-scale production plants
  • Testing and scaling up production processes (pilot plants)
  • Ensuring product safety, stability, and packaging

These efforts drive continual innovation across various sub-industries, from cosmetics and textiles to consumer and industrial chemicals.

By claiming R&D tax credits, chemical companies can unlock valuable tax benefits that fuel further innovation and propel their growth.

case study
Chemical Companies
With over 35 years of experience, this chemical company is an industry leader in developing and manufacturing eco-friendly products for personal care, household, and industrial applications.
Qualified Research Expenditures Annually


Annual Tax Savings


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R&D Tax Credit Qualification for Chemical Companies

In developing their new line of haircare products, the company engaged in multiple phases of R&D, starting from conceptualization to final product. This involved input from a cross-disciplinary team including chemists, product managers, and engineers. Various formulations were developed, prototypes created, and a range of tests were conducted, including environmental and skin irritation tests.

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R&D Tax Credits with

With our consultative approach to the research and development tax credit, we invest time understanding each client’s history, current business direction, and future growth objectives. Each year we re-evaluate a company’s ability to accept the tax credit and provide on-going recommendations to improve the R&D tax credits process.

We proudly support a recurring service to more than 92% of our clients.